Stormhoek braai, Update post

Just a quick one to point you to a few posts that have been writing about Stormhoek and the big love braai recently. Dave Duarte: Stormhoek Humanizes Wine. Gerry : Stromy Blogger’s Braai, and he also has a great collection… Continue Reading

Stormhoek bloggers Love braai

Last night saw in the first Stormhoek Bloggers Braai. The event was held at Stormhoek HQ just outside Wellington. This provided the first chance for a select few of our fab fans to have a look around the vineyard, try… Continue Reading

Threshers voucher, Take 2

In our ongoing quest to spread the Stormhoek love we have now posted yet another 40% of all wine from Threshers voucher on the main Stormhoek site.This is only valid in the UK for from the 22nd of march to… Continue Reading

Big Love Stormhoek wine farm trip

Its official, the time and date for one of this years most exciting South African events has been finalised!!. Yes that’s right, the bloggers Stormhoek wine farm trip.The event will take place on Friday the 23rd of March from 6pm… Continue Reading

27 Dinner Cape Town video

Thanks to the lovely chaps at Quirk, the above video is now available for your viewing pleasure, showing a recap of the sights and sounds of the last Cape Town 27 dinner. I love the bit with the Stormhoek 🙂Continue Reading

Cape Town Microsoft Tech day

Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending the Microsoft Cape Town tech day 2007, held at the International convention centre. The event was organised to get current IT professionals accustomed to Windows Vista, Microsoft Office 2007, Microsoft Exchange Server 2007,… Continue Reading

Stormhoek hits the Sunday Times!!!!

Over the weekend Stormhoek featured in the South African Sunday Times. Below is article in full for your reading enjoyment. Wine blogging stirs up a sales storm Rowan Philp: London It is a winery so small that half of its… Continue Reading

Adobe Photoshop does a Google

Adobe, the chaps behind the well loved Photoshop have announced that they plan to release an online version of their popular photo editing suit to take on the likes of Picasa, the Google based online photo application.They plan to release… Continue Reading

Cape Town 27 Dinner

Another fab meal and plenty of wine in the Mother city and this time with a new name!27 dinner was launched in Joburg at the beginning of the year and a couple of nights ago saw in its Cape Town… Continue Reading