First and foremost big thanks to everyone that has been responding to the Christmas post we put up on Monday. Within a couple of hours my inbox was exploding. First prizes to be grabbed up were from twitter (had over 40 responses within 3 hours, so by far the fastest form of online word of mouth) second came all the blogs we had our first ten within around 5 hours, then came Facebook at about the same time and to be honest we still have prizes left for Podcasting and Video casting so guys and girls now’s the time to whip out your Flips or use a mic and give something new a go (All you need to do is mention Barringtons or Stormhoek).
On a totally different note I just read about possibly one of the finest events all year on one of my favourite sites, Cherryflava (see video above). In a post today they mentioned Movember. Basically this is a guys thing (unless you are of the fine rare lady’s that can grow a girl mo) were gentlemen from around the world are encouraged during the month of November to grow a moustache (Mo) and raise cash for men’s health issues like Prostate cancer and depression. Girls that lack sufficient Mo hair growth can register to help by supporting your Mo men with admiration and donations on the Movember web site, and guys you can register and grow your Mo, send in pics of you and your Mo, organise Mo party’s and donate to the cause.
Am thinking we should maybe try organise a Mo party in Cape Town, will bring the Stormhoek, suggestions welcome in comments.
Lastly thanks so much to everyone supporting this and don’t forget to mail us so we can include your fine work in the post at the end of the month, we really want to help Barringtons out and send them big love for helping sponsor this too. If you know anyone that is flush enough to buy their own little bit of heavenly vineyard pass on the word and tell them about Barringtons vines (sorry for the promo pitch but promise they are such nice chaps).
Have a great weekend and keep sexy people