Wonderful interactive case study all the way from Russia. In order to prove how unpredictable car accidents are, BBDO created a live 24/7 web broadcast for car insurer, Intouch Insurance. A 359 KG grand piano was suspended from nine ropes above a car in a Moscow garage over seven days. Twice a day people could vote on a live 24/7 broadcast on carvspiano.ru, for an unpredictable real event resulting in one rope being cut. For example: if the temperature in Moscow rose to+21C one rope could be cut etc. A live Twitter feed was projected on the wall and a timer clock kept the audience intrigued, waiting for the next rope to be cut-or not.
It’d be interesting to hear of the results of the experiment…
How many people on twitter commented?
Hi Rohin,
I’m afraid I really don’t know,
best would be to ask the agency, their details are at http://bbdogroup.ru/about/contacts.php
All the best,